Blood sugar balance


2 Videos

Balance your blood sugar & reduce stress

Step 1

Your hormone journey starts by balancing the first two important domino’s or endocrine systems to achieve overall holistic hormonal balance. These include balancing your blood sugar levels and reducing stress on your adrenal glands.

All of your hormones rely on your blood sugar being stable, otherwise your body preserves it as a stressor. This knocks over the first domino, and alerts your adrenal glands to pump out adrenal and cortisol, and then the rest of the hormones fall down one after the other, leaving you in a messy pool of symptoms.

However, with each nourishing meal you will support the endocrine system and just like puzzle pieces fitting into each other, each part of the endocrine system with optimise to achieve hormonal balance.

Symptoms of unbalanced blood sugar:

  • Irritability
  • Sugar cravings
  • Energy dips
  • PMS symptoms
  • Weight gain (especially around your waist)
  • Struggling to lose weight
  • Fatigue

In my practice, most if not 99%, of my clients have unbalanced blood sugar.

Benefits of balanced blood sugar:

  • Stable energy throughout the day
  • Reduce stress in the body
  • Improve daily mood, as well prevent PMS symptoms.
  • Prevent unwanted perimenopausal and menopausal symptoms over time
  • Result in sustainable weight loss
  • Reduce sweet cravings

This week includes:  🎥 7:19 minutes of video | 📄 1 x Downloadable Breakfast recipe pack & Tracker

Food focus for the week:

Eat a blood sugar balanced breakfast

& drink Apple Cider Vinegar before a meal

Eating a balanced breakfast is the first step in the holistic approach to balanced blood sugar levels. Over the next 21 days you will implement all the steps:

Week 1:

🍳 Eat a balanced whole food breakfast 
🥃 Drink Apple Cider Vinegar before one meal
Week 2:
🥕 Add a carrot salad (or salad starter)
🥗 Eat in order
Week 3:
🚶‍♀️ Move after a meal

Lifestyle focus for the week:

Nurture the adrenal glands

Lifestyle habits that you did not know disrupted your blood sugar & causes stress:

  • Unregulated blood sugar
  • Not eating mindfully or in a rush
  • Skipping meals
  • Fasting for longer than 14.5 hours
  • Consuming coffee on an empty stomach
  • Consuming artificial sweeteners

Here are some lifestyle tips to reduce stress:

  • Morning sunshine before screen-time
  • Daily movement
  • Using a magnesium supplement to support the nervous system, or take a bath with Epsom salts

Note down your progress in your Tracker (Included in Recipe Pack)

Frequently Asked Questions:

Should I drink ACV before each meal?

Start by drinking it before your main meal, especially if the meal contains carbohydrates such as oats, pasta or potatoes. However, it can be drunk about 30 minutes before each meal. ALWAYS diluted!

The taste is an indication of how acidic you are at the moment. If it’s really sour, it shows you that are your blood is slightly acidic.

If 1 tablespoon of ACV in a tall glass of water is to sour, start with a teaspoon and work yourself up to a tablespoon over time.

You can also add a little bit of raw honey in the beginning to help you enjoy it. Over time your blood stream will become more alkaline (less sour) and the honey will not be needed anymore.

Organic is best, and it should include ‘The Mother’ from which the apple cider vinegar is fermented.

Great brands to try:

  • Braggs: 
  • Nature’s choice:
  • Healthier You: Order from May who has been making ACV for the last 10 years. Organic, unfiltered, raw & fermented.
    Prices: 750 ml – glass bottle, fermented for 6 months R165. Take 2 = R300. Or 3 @ R390. Courier @ R100.  Order directly from May: 0825799011 

This week's reflection

What did you start noticing after eating a balanced breakfast this week? Let us know in the comments.

After successfully completing Step 1, you understand that blood sugar and stress management are the gateways to ensure balanced hormones. You have received the tools and tips to make lifestyle changes that will last. Now let’s proceed to the next domino, or endocrine system which is responsible for breaking down hormones; aka the liver.

Access all recipes in the Kitchen

The Happy Hormone Club Kitchen is jam packed with wholefood recipes that will keep your hormones happy while loved by the whole family.

The content in this programme has been made available for informational and educational purposes only. This content is provided on the understanding that it does not constitute medical or other professional advice or services. Always work with a qualified healthcare practitioner when making changes to your medication, diet or overall healthcare plan.

Picture of Bea Hurter

Bea Hurter

Over the past three years, we’ve helped many committed women (just like you) balance their hormones through our high-quality educational offerings, nutritious wholefood recipes and personal guidance.

Now, it’s your turn to experience the same thing.

The only question is: Are you ready?

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