
Servings: 4  |   Prep time: 15 min |   Cooking time: 0 min

Refined sugar & dairy-free


Chocolate ingredients:

  • 1 cup coconut oil
  • ½ cup of cocoa powder

Caramel ingredients:

  • ½ cup chopped dates
  • ½ tablespoon raw honey / maple syrup
  • Pinch of Himalayan Rock Salt
  • 1 tablespoon coconut oil
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla essence
  • ½ cup of raw peanuts


For the Caramel:

  1. Chop dates into smaller pieces and place in cup. Cover with boiling water and soak for at least 15 minutes (The longer they soak the easier they will blend).
  2. Strain the dates and add to the rest of the ingredients for caramel.
  3. Blend in a food processor until nice and smooth.

For the Chocolate:

  1. In a small saucepan melt oil and cocoa and set aside. It should be glossy and smooth. Combine.
  2. Line a square dish or silicon mold with parchment paper.
    Pour half of the chocolate mixture in the bottom.
  3. Let it set and then add the caramel layer. Top it with the remaining chocolate.
  4. Cut into squares when set. (Speed up the process in the freezer)
    *Tip: Make a extra batch and freeze for an emergency snack.

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Hello! I cook healthy hormone-friendly meals. These are transforming lives. Client stories >>>

Picture of Bea Hurter

Bea Hurter

Over the past three years, we’ve helped many committed women (just like you) balance their hormones through our high-quality educational offerings, nutritious wholefood recipes and personal guidance.

Now, it’s your turn to experience the same thing.

The only question is: Are you ready?

2 Responses

  1. Thank you for sharing this lovely recipe with me . I always have these afternoon crashes where I just want to have lots of chocolate. This would be the perfect rescue remedy.

    1. My pleasure! It also freezes well, so nice to have a batch in the freezer ready for a treat! Also interesting, chocolate cravings may also be an magnesium deficiency. Take a look at the PURE magnesium in my shop to help with that.

      Take care,

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