Sweet potato brownies

Servings: 4  |   Prep time: 15 min |   Cooking time: 30 min

High in fiber & refined sugar-free


  • 1 large raw sweet potato (about a cup)
  • 200 ml warm water
  • 10 medjool dates, stoned
  • 80g rolled oats (or gluten-free)
  • 80g almonds
  • 6 tablespoons raw cocao powder
  • 6 tablespoons melted coconut oil
  • 60g dark chocolate (70% cocoa), chopped into smaller pieces
  • Fresh strawberries (for decorating)
  • Desiccated coconut (for decorating)


  1. Soak the dates in warm water for 10-15 min and blend until smooth.
  2. Peel and chop the sweet potato into small pieces and boil until soft(about 20 minutes).
  3. Blend the oats into a fine flour. Add the almonds and blend until almonds are chopped, not floured.
  4. Transfer oat flour and almonds to a mixing bowl and mix in cocoa powder.
  5. Blend the cooked sweet potato and soaked dates (include soaking water), and melted coconut oil, until think and smooth.
  6. Combine the sweet potato mixture with the dry ingredients and mix.
  7. Add the chocolate, but leave about a tablespoon of chocolate for later, to melt for decorating.
  8. Pour the mixture into a 20cm tray and bake for 25 minutes at 180C.
  9. Allow to cool and decorate.

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Picture of Bea Hurter

Bea Hurter

Over the past three years, we’ve helped many committed women (just like you) balance their hormones through our high-quality educational offerings, nutritious wholefood recipes and personal guidance.

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