Servings: 1 | Prep time: 10 min | Cooking time: 0 min
The liver is such an important organ for hormonal balance, yet it is often easily overlooked. When the liver is working optimally your emotions will be balanced, and it will help with PMS, cramping and clotting. This recipe includes beetroot, which is a high-antioxidant vegetable containing a number of nutrients that have been shown to be cleansing and detoxifying, plus, they’re delicious and versatile. Try juicing them for a cleansing morning tonic. (Recipe from Doctors Beyond Medicine).
Love your liver with this juice
- ½ teaspoon cinnamon
- 1 teaspoon cold pressed extra-virgin olive oil, OR cold
pressed hemp seed oil - Thumbnail size ginger root
- ¼ lemon with the skin
- 1 handful parsley
1 carrot - 1 granny smith apple
- 1 beetroot
- Wash all the vegetables with a water bicarbonate
solution (soaking for 20 minutes in the solution is
ideal). - Juice all the ingredients and enjoy fresh.
- Drink your juice about 15 minutes after drinking one to two glasses of filtered water upon waking up
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