Includes: ✍️ 1 printable PDF
In this guide you receive information of each cycle phase as well as the Moon Cycle Tracker that you can print out and use to track you cycle daily.
Cycle tracking starts by using one word to describe your day, and soon you will notice correlations between your emotions and your cycle phases.
There is only one red rule in tracking: There is no right or wrong, so always be true to the emotion you are feeling. Even if the emotion does not ‘fit into’ the emotion listed under the different inner seasons, write down your own feeling.
For example: During Inner summer (ovulatory phase) most women normally feel outgoing, however some woman are sensitive to the rising estrogen levels and may feel irritated.
Keep tracking of at least 2 to 3 months consistently to start seeing your rhythm and cycle superpowers of each phase.
✍️ Download printable PDF Cycle Tracker here
Start tracking to get to know your 4 Inner seasons
🌱 Inner spring: Follicular phase
🌞 Inner summer: Ovulatory phase
🍁 Inner autumn: Luteal phase
❄️ Inner winter: Menstrual phase
Join #cycletracktuesday
Each Tuesday the women in the private Facebook community group share their cycle check-in together to learn and reconnect with the different cycle superpowers.
Access your private Facebook Community here>>>
Frequently Asked Questions:
Q: Can I still track if I’m in menopause?
A: Yes, you can still reap the benefits of returning to a cyclical rhythm by syncing up with the moon phases. You will use the New Moon 🌑 as your ‘period’ phase, or inner winter, your time to rest and reflect and use the Full moon 🌕 as your ovulatory phase (inner summer), as a time to create, communicate and socialise.
Q: What if I’m on birth control?
A: Unfortunately on birth control you don’t ovulate, so you don’t have fluctuating hormones over a cycle. This prevents you from experiencing the district changes and superpowers of each phase. You can however sync up with the moon phases:
You will use the New Moon 🌑 as your ‘period’ phase, or inner winter, your time to rest and reflect and use the Full moon 🌕 as your ovulatory phase (inner summer), as a time to create, communicate and socialise.
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Your comments make my day. Thank you! Please let us know which inner season 🌱🌞🍁❄️ is your favourite and why, in the comment box below .
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